AP Court Summons Telangana Chief Minister’s Special Secretary. Smitha Sabharwal is currently working as Special Secretary in Telangana Chief Minister’s office. Earlier, she was served as Collector for Medak district. KCR took her into CM office after seeing her performance. There is huge demand from the people of Nalgonda to deploy her as Collector.
Pradeep Kumar, first class magistrate of Madanapally issued bailable warrant to Smitha. Court issued these orders based on the case pertaining during her tenure as Sub Collector in Madanapally in 2003. Smitha filed a petition against Gayathri Stone Crushers where the management employed 39 people as bonded labors.
The case is comes to hearing in Madanapally court and Smitha didn’t appear before the magistrate. She was skipped to attend since 2009 onwards in this case. Magistrate ordered her to attend before December 15th.