From few days Nara Lokesh has been virulently attacking Telangana CM KCR through his tweets. The youth leader of the Telugu Desam Party once again attacked the Chief Minister of Telangana K Chandrasekhara Rao through his Twitter account. In an aggressive note , Nara Lokesh said that KCR is unable to fulfill his own promises and yet targeting the CM of the neighbouring state.
He made it clear that TDP will deliver development in Telangana as well. Taking potshots on KCR’S six month rule Lokesh satirically stated that the achievement of TRS six-month ruling is nothing but blaming AP CM Chandrababu .Earlier also Lokesh made similar type of comments and it earned flak from TRS leaders.
The fresh attack by Lokesh has made the environment vibrant in the political circles. Many felt that Lokesh deliberately trying to be in limelight by eying CM post in Telangaan state. But he rubbished the reports and said there are many veteran leaders in the party who are fit for that post than him.