Young hero Nithiin has just finished shooting for an episode of Nagarjuna’s popular game show Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu. ”Just fini playing the game show M.E.KOTEESWARU with NAGARJUNA garu..was super fun!!” (sic), Nithiin posted on his Twitter page. The popular game show which topped the TV ratings in the first season is all set to kick off the second season in a week’s time.
With buzz doing the rounds that Nithiin would be producing Nagarjuna’s son Akhil’s debut film, it will be interesting to see if the show will give the audiences some clues. Recently, Nagarjuna was seen as the chief guest at the audio launch of Nithiin’s upcoming film Chinnadana Neekosam. Actor Nithiin is all set for the release of his film Chinnadana Nee Kosam on Christmas.