It was a huge Tollywood event which saw all biggies participating in some event or the other. Then, the CM of Andhra Pradesh graced the occasion. But Jana Sena founder and power star Pawan Kalyan was no where to be seen. The Telugu Desam party is offended that Pawan Kalyan did not bother to turn up even for a courtesy call to meet Chandra Babu and make his presence felt at the event.
Apparently, Pawan’s absence is being seen as a direct insult to Chandra Babu within TDP circles. Barring Pawan, just about everyone from Tollywood participated in Memu Saitam. Many thought that he would come by when the CM was there. But he did not come. Instead of calmly letting go of the matter and let people decide about Pawan’s behaviour, the TDP members are hotly debating about his absence.
They feel that Pawan once again tried to be sensational by not appearing at the event. Apparently, the TDP members feel that no one is bigger than Babu. Since Babu knows how to break people at the right time, he will bend and break Pawan at the right time they say.