After a long gap, director-producer Tammareddy Bharadwaj is back in news. Levelling serious allegations against heroines, Tammareddy revealed interesting and “inside” details about stars. “Even for events like Memu Saitham which are organised for a cause, small-heroines expect parties.
In between the rehearsals several heroines went out and partied hard. It’s sad that many heroines are either after parties or money,” said Tammareddy during a press conference. “Most of our heroines lack professionalism. They always look out for parties and hanging out with people.
Compared to us, actresses based out of Mumbai are a bit better as they go out only after wrapping up their commitment,” added Tammareddy. Tammareddy didn’t even spare mana heroes. While praising the senior heroes, he targeted young heroes. “Why can’t our heroes attend voluntarily? Why should one beg them for an event like this? I hope industry will come out of this state in future. Hope good days are ahead.”