Naming of Shamshabad airport domestic terminal after NTR triggered immense controversy. Telangana CM, TRS chief KCR protested vehemently and even passed resolution in the assembly opposing name change. He and TRS party leaders said they are against naming Shamshabad airport after Andhra leader’s name. This led to war of words between TDP party which said its founder NTR enjoys national stature and one shouldn’t belittle by confining him to one region.
In the mele Congress party joined the protests opposing name change by removing Rajiv Gandhi’s name. In the midst of all this YSRCP leader Lakshmi Parvathy made a shocking statement that Telangana CM KCR wouldn’t have opposed to NTR’s name. She added that had Union Government informed KCR prior to name change, even he would have happily agreed.
She then lashed out at Chandra Babu asking him why did he not try for Bharat Ratna for NTR when he used to be king maker at the centre. She questioned what was the need for thousands of acres of land for capital construction. She said Chandra Babu is doing land pooling only to help his coterie. She asked Union Government to respond immediately on these issues.