In Bollywood, PR Agencies manage most of the stuff related to heroines including getting gossips written about them. If you think that in Tollywood there is no such machinery in existence, then meet heroine Visakha Singh who has recently tasted bitter with dismal performance of Nara Rohit’s ‘Rowdy Fellow’ at box office.
We came to know that actress Visakha Singh has a PR agency, which works at a lightning speed, as they spread news to the world through couple of media houses, much before the person adjacent to Visakha knows it. Long back when she was shooting in USA for Rowdy Fellow, there was huge headline that Visakha Singh was struck in rain and storm. Even the unit members didn’t know that she got struck in rain, but they are shocked to see that in a newspaper.
That’s the power of her PR agency. Recently a top newspaper whipped ‘Rowdy Fellow’ front and back with their critical review, but praised Visakha’s wonderful acting and catchy screen presence. In reality, she happens to be the big minus of the film, as she never looked like a heroine. That writing has shocked unit members of the movie, as they realized that PR agencies do magic.