Pawan Kalyan and his fans prayers didn’t go down the drain. God has heed to their prayers as Pawan’s fan B. Sreeja who was battling for life, recuperated from the acute neurological disorder. Sreeja is now back to normal life and even celebrated her birthday on Sunday amidst Pawan’s fans and family members in Palwancha of Khammam district.
Pawan, who had come to know about 12-yr-old Sreeja, a seventh class student, through Make a Wish foundation, visited her in hospital and broke down after seeing the pain of his die-hard fan. Pawan Kalyan had spent over half-an-hour with Sreeja in the Intensive Care Unit of the private hospital. Apart from gifting her Goddess Lakshmi idol, Pawan also gifted few toys to Sreeja.
The philanthropic star even donated Rs 2 Lakh rupees for the girl’s family and it said to be helped a lot for her. Sreeja on Sunday came before media and thanked her favourite matinee idol Pawan. She is also planning to continue her studies. Thankfully, Pawan’s good deed didn’t go waste. Certainly, a good news.