An Engineer’s house in Uttar Pradesh resembled that of a Gold Mine shocking Income Tax officials who raided his house on corruption charges. IT officials who raided Yadav Singh’s house in Sector 51, Noida were shocked to find 10 crores worth cash and many diamonds. The luxurious bungalow is surrounded by garden and in plethora of audi cars welcomed them. Yadav is Chief Project Engineer for government projects like Noida, Greater Noida and Yamuna Express Way Authorities.
100 IT officials conducted raids simultaneously on his houses and his relatives 20 houses in Noida, Ghaziabad and Delhi. They found 10 crores cash and 2kgs diamonds and gold worth Rs 100 crores. He stuffed all of them in the cars parked in front of his house. This amount was unearthed in the first day of their search and search will be on for some more days according to the officials. Officials say Yadav created 13 bank lockers and 35 fake companies based at Kolkata.
He used to get 5% commission from the people whom he allotted projects. His subordinates say the moment he sees a land, he never used to leave it. IT officials suspect Yadav to be behind 900 crs scam and are now investigating his business partners. Officers on Thursday raided an Engineer in Delhi for creating fake companies and on further investigation caught yadav.