Well, the T-JAC has become almost unknown to many after the thumping majority of TRS which came into power and all credit they did cash it. The T-JAC has become so weak that it was not able to question anything about the problems in Telangana. T-JAC Chairman Prof.
Kodandaram addressing a seminar on ‘‘Agriculture Crisis– Farmers’ Suicides’’ held by the Economics Department of Osmania University on Friday has brought some information about the dislike towards T-Govt. Prof. Kodandaram challenged “There was a need to the farmers to unite as many forces were suppressing the farmers in the context of the globalization, privatization and liberalization policies.
The agriculture sector fell in problems only after the liberalization of economic policies.” He also added ” The farmers were committing suicides as they were not getting minimum support price (MSP).” This is surely a sign of revolt against the TRS Govt. Well, what do you think so? Is anything really fishy between them?