For the first time in his illustrious career of 40 years, Superstar Rajnikanth will be witnessing a release on his birthday. As said earlier, KS Ravikumar directorial ‘Lingaa’ is slated to hit cinemas on December 12, on the eve of this demi-god’s birthday. Provided with the huge stakes involved in distribution of the film and no holiday season around, it will quite tough for the Superstar to command big numbers at box office.
Isn’t it? Leave the making costs alone, Rajni’s “Lingaa” was sold all-out in Tamilnadu for a whopping cost of 70 crores to the distributors. Only a big blockbuster will help suffice pockets to recover this gigantic number. And coming to Andhra and telangana, various local distributors have flexed their muscles upto 30 crores as Eros International is still holding discussions.
In fact, Eros brought Lingaa’s India theatrical rights for a whopping Rs 125 Crores and that led to this huge betting. Probably they will be selling whole movie with 20 crores profit and distributors need to collect a gross of nearly 230 crores to recover their investment. Rajni’s first in 40 years will be finding it tough until and unless it scores a tsunami at box office.