Actress Sweta Basu Prasad, who recently walked out of rescue home after caught in a sex scandal, is swiftly making moves to overcome her unfortunate past. The latest is that the Kotha Bangaru Lokam actress has found a new job for her living. She is going to be “script consultant” at famous Phantom production house. She is going to join forces with Phantom top brass- Madhu Mantena, Anurag Kashyap, Vikas Bahl and Vikramaditya Motwani.
Corroborating it, Sweta said, “Yes, I’m a script consultant at Phantom. I’m essentially a curator there, assigned the job of going through potentially promising scripts.” We hear that she will be continuing her role until she is back to her acting career. “It’s a job I like doing as it is helping me to grow as an actor when I read the scripts,” Sweta added. Meanwhile, Sweta dismissed reports that she is part of Hansal Mehta’s documentary.
“I came across a report that I had been signed for a documentary by Hansal Mehta. How can I play a role in a documentary?,” said Sweta lamenting at the report. Sweta had just met Hansal and showcased her documentary Roots on Hindustani classical music which said to have impressed Hansal. But Hansal hasn’t offered her any role but he seems to be keen on working with Sweta “soon”.