Victory Venkatesh and Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s Multistarer film, Gopala Gopala’s first look released a short while ago in the form of a motion poster. The still in the Motion Poster is similar to that of the first look poster of the Original film, Oh My God. Pawan Kalyan who is playing the god in the movie is seen resting peacefully and Venkatesh who plays a commoner making fun of him.
The still however seems to be a disappointment for fans who expected something different from the Telugu version of the film. The only noticeable change in the poster is that of the costumes worn by both the actors. The biggest positive is the pleasing background score and the good logo design.
The theatrical trailer should give us an idea if the makers are preparing a faithful remake of the the original or if we can expect some changes. It may be informed to our readers that Gopala Gopala is being planned for January 14th, 2014 release as Sankranthi Special. The shooting of the movie which is going on at brisk pace has received sudden jolt due to the ongoing Bandh in the industry.