Kakatiya Dynasty ruler Rani Rudramadevi breathed her last at Chandupatla village in Nakrekal mandal of Nalgonda mandal. The tombstone of the Queen came to limelight during the research conducted by Saidhulu who is a student & native of the same village 5-6 years ago. Rudramadevi’s Tombstone designed under the supervision of Queen’s trusted aide Puvvula Mummadi post her death is in dire state as the leaders have given least importance to it.
Local Youth have been safeguarding it ever since Archaeological Department confirmed its the original one. People of Chandupatla demand Telangana Government to declare November 27th, 1289 as the official death anniversary of Rudramadevi. They also want this place to be made a tourist spot by setting up the idol of Rudramadevi and a museum.