Cine actor and State BJP official spokesperson Jeevitha, who was sentenced for two year along with Rs 25 lakh fine in cheque bounce case, has got bail from Erramanjil Court here on Monday. Lawyers of Jeevitha moved bail petition immediately after the judgment against her in regard to cheque bounce case. Responding to bail plea, the judge granted bail after inquiry.
It may be recalled that Jeevitha took Rs.34 lakh from one Shekar Reddy in 2012 giving undertaking along with a promissory note and two cheques with the condition that the money will be given back within three months. Today, the court granted bail to Jeevitha after she deposited Rs.25 lakh fine following the Erramajil Courts’s judgment.
Speaking to the media after she got the bail, Jeevitha alleged that Shekar Reddy deceived her and said that Shekar Reddy has to give money to her. She made it clear that she will approach Supreme Court if need arises. She lamented that Shekar Reddy spread rumors that the court sentenced her and the same was media transmitted.
She explained that she was director to the film ‘Evadaithe Nakenti’ film and Shekar Reddy was producer and questioned as to how she has to give money to him. “I deposited Rs.25 lakh respecting the court judgment and the court didn’t punish me”, she added.