Telangana Chief Minister KCR condemned the central government’s decision to rename Shamshabad airport in the name of Late NTR.He said that it is not right to keep name of a Andhra leader in Telangana airport without considering the feelings and interests of Telangana people. The Assembly unanimously passed a resolution demanding that the present name of the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport should not be changed till the views of the Telangana Government are not sought.
Many TRS and congress leaders oppose the decision.But one of the noted TRS leader supports the decision of avaiation ministry personally and he is none other than maheswaram MLA Teegala Krishna reddy .At a time when all TRS leaders bluntly opposing the move Teegala created flutter saying that he was personally supporting the decision of aviation ministry to change the airport name after legendary actor who showcased telugu pride at national level.Its known that Teegala was a staunch follower of NTR and he recently joined TRS after winning on TDP ticket.
Other side Telangaan TDP and T Congress have kicked off separate Dharnas today.As TTDP leaders are demanding the government to apologize for its insulting remarks against late NT Rama Rao, Congress is demanding to restore the Rajiv Gandhi name for the airport. Telangana Telugu Desam party leader Mothkupally Narsimulu sits for one day hunger strike at NTR ghat.
He accused Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao of belittling TDP founder NTR, who elevated him (KCR) politically.AP CM Chandrababu Naidu has extended support and solidarity to TS-TDP leaders who are staging protest at NTR ghat.He personally visited the Ghat and offers support to his leaders.