Sexy Siren Shruti Haasan has become hot property for the filmmakers across the country. Currently, she has signed more than half-a-dozen films in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi languages. Recently, while interacting with media, a journalist asked Shruti Haasan that why the actress has hiked her remuneration.
This angered the ‘Race Gurram’ actress and she said, “I don’t understand who create these kind of speculations. Lot of producers in Tamil haven’t paid my dues and no one is interested to talk about that. Agreed that Mahesh Babu is a Superstar but that doesn’t mean that the makers will be ready to give the amount that I demand.
I request people to please stop these kinds of rumours about my remuneration”. Shruti has been paired as the leading lady opposite to Mahesh Babu for an untitled film. Shooting part is under progress and Koratala Siva is the director.