Mega star Chiranjeevi was in Vizag to participate in the birthday celebrations of late Indira Gandhi. On the occasion, Chiranjeevi said that the Congress party would emerge as the next alternate option in the coming days. He also remembered Indira Gandhi as the iron lady who was an able leader. Speaking about the current situation in Andhra Pradesh, he expressed hope that the Congress will regain its past glory very soon.
Chiranjeevi said that people will soon realize the potential of India’s oldest party in near future. Meanwhile, ex MLA Dronamraju Srinivas said that while the youth Congress members appeared to be excited when leaders like Chiranjeevi toured the district, they felt dejected and directionless on other days. Chiranjeevi called upon the cadre to actively participate in party activities and said that they must all go ahead together.
He said this was no time to talk of past mistakes of Congress party. But he was sure that people will understand that it was Congress that laid the foundation for prosperity in Andhra Pradesh.