Inspired by the Swachh Bharat campaign launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Dialogue King Mohan Babu took the broom into hand along with his students from Sri Vidyanikethan. Along with other dignitaries of his group, he started cleaning some villages around the international school.
After taking up the mission, Mohan Babu has nominated Rajnikanth, the Superstar of India, to take up the challenge. Probably other biggies haven’t dared to nominate Rajini for the challenge considering his stature, but Mohan Babu is his best friend and no doubt he would nominate him.
As expected, he has also challenged his daughter Lakshmi and sons Vishnu, Manoj to take part in the Clean India campaign. Also he has nominated former heroine Sumalatha, cricketer Venkatapathy Raju and MLA Teegala Krishna Reddy for the mission. Mohan Babu pledged to make a difference and he is at it.