Rangareddy district court has directed LB Nagar police to file case against TDP party coordinator for workers’ welfare fund and youth leader Nara Lokesh for his remarks against Telangana Chief Minister KCR and his government on his social networking page Twitter. Acting on one petitioner Ravi Kumar’s complaint, court has asked police to file the case.
A complaint was earlier filed by one Ramanarsimha Goud, a TRS leader, in LB Nagar police station on which cops sought a legal advice. Meanwhile, another police complaint was lodged against Nara Lokesh in the same issue. Telangana Advocate JAC leader Mr Govardhan Reddy and other advocate JAC members have lodged a complaint with Banjara Hills against Lokesh for his comments.
Lokesh had earlier tweeted, ‘Revanth Reddy attacked by TRS goons. Government run by rowdies, Law & Order out of control. #HitlerCM is ruling!’ In another tweet, Lokesh wrote, ‘While our leader @ncbn was busy promoting AP at the India World Economic Forum, KCR & Co were promoting hatred. Really unfortunate!!!’