The severe cyclonic storm Hudhud had devastated Visakhapatnam and three other North Coastal Andhra districts. It had left a swathe of destruction in Vizag city causing massive damages to businesses, buildings, airport, movie theatres, hospitals, hotels etc apart from claiming few lives. Almost every business had been affected by Hudhud either directly or indirectly. To the shock of everyone, Hudhud failed to affect one sector that is liquor business.
Proving it right, the numbers of the liquor sales post Huhud have increased and they’re startling. According to reports, a total of 79,000 boxes of liquor (whisky, brandy, rum and vodka) and 70,000 boxes of beer were sold in the month of October in 2014 in city while the number was 76,500 and 69,000 respectively in the same month of 2013.
Meanwhile 1, 50,400 boxes of liquor and 95,000 boxes of beer were sold in rural areas in October 2014 while the number was 1,47,500 cases and 81,000 cases respectively in the same month of previous year. In fact, Excise sleuths, who had expected fall in liquor sales post Hudhud, were shocked to see the steep increase. With this, it’s clear that nothing can stop liquor, not even Hudhud!