AR Muragadoss’s associate V.I Anand is making his directorial debut in Telugu with ‘Tiger’. ‘Run Raja Run’ fame Seerath Kapoor is the leading lady and the star cast includes Rahul Ravindran, Sapthagiri, Sundeep Kishen, Supreeth, Tanikella Bharani and Praveen etc. Chota K Naidu is handling the cinematography and SS Thaman is the music director.
Most part of the film will be shot in the beautiful locales of Kasi, Allahabad, Vizag and Rajahmundry etc. Makers have informed that this is a full length action entertainer with all kinds of commercial elements. NV Prasad and ‘Tagore’ Madhu are jointly producing ‘Tiger’ under NVR Cinema banner. Sandeep Kishen’s last film ‘Joru’ failed at the box-office and the actor has pinned lot of hopes on this film.