Ex CM- late YS Rajasekhar Reddy’s brainchild Rajiv Arogyasri has got a name change. The programme aimed at providing private multi-speciality medical facilities to the poor and downtrodden at zero cost, has now been rechristened as NTR Aarogya Seva.
Andhra Pradesh Cabinet which has met on Tuesday has finally approved this significant change of the popular government scheme. Government of AP has also increased the number of diseases, under the ambit of NTR Aarogya Seva, to 1038 from previous 938. Also, AP cabinet decided to increase the treatment cost up to Rs 2.5 Lakh.
Meanwhile, Cabinet has also cleared the much-awaited Capital Regional Development Authority which is expected to fasten the setting up of new capital. Cabinet has also decided to impose a strict ban over the Mangampeta Barytes Mines in Kadapa district as it opined there are several alleged corruption practices followed in the mining.