Rockstar heroine Nargis Fakhri was in town to walk the ramp for Pankaj and Nidhi during the Blender’s Pride Fashion evening held at N Convention Centre in Hyderabad. Nargis looked hot and walked the ramp in an intricately embroidered light turquoise blue and white dress. “Oh I love fashion and it feels good to be a show stopper for Pankaj and Nidhi’s show,” says Nargis who could not take the heat of the camera lights flashed at her.
“I am feeling hot,” she said to the reporters vying to get a byte from her. She has just completed shooting for a Hollywood production. But Nargis says the time is not right to disclose any details about it. As for her Bollywood ventures, she has two in her kitty and she says she is looking forward to 2015 for their release.
The girl was in Budapest recently for a magazine shoot and says she had a lovely vacation in Europe travelling through Czech Republic, Austria and a couple of other European countries. Incidentally, her mother is from the Czech Republic and Nargis says she loves to travel. And yes, Nargis says she will surely do a Telugu film as ‘you only get to live once’.
Well, like all her Bollywood counterparts, she is aware of Mahesh and Rana and confesses she does not mind making her Tollywood debut with either of them. “Of course, I will go back tired with a headache and will have to struggle a lot to get my lines in Telugu, but I will surely do a film here,” says a smiling Nargis before signing off.