Already we have seen the picture of Mahesh Babu and Nagarjuna posing with India’s leading businessman Mukesh Ambani’s wife Nita Ambani. When Nita was in Hyderabad to hand over a 11 crore cheque to AP Chief Minister Relief Fund for the benefit of Hudhud victims, Nagarjuna has invited her to visit Annapurna Studios facility. Along with Nita Ambani, some other woman corporate giants too visited the facility.
However, among the attendees it is the presence of Namrata Shirodkar that surprises us. More than this, why did Mahesh Babu has flown all the way from Pune by cancelling his shoot for a couple of days to meet Nita Ambani at Annapurna Studios? Maybe we have to ask why Nag invited Mahesh along with all other woman corporate heads to visit his facility. Just a thought folks!