Apart from Kannada heroine Sanjana who reportedly had close contacts, Sreesanth also had connections with two more Kannada actresses Ragini Dwiwedi and Sweta Srivastava. These are in addition to Lakshmi Rai, whose name already figured.
Police have collected pictures and videos of the IPL parties and other occasions attended by Sreesanth and noted down the names of film stars who moved closely with him. Of these, they found that Kannada actress Sanjana, Lakshmi Rai, Ragini Dwiwedi and Sweta were very close to him. They are likely to issue summons to these actresses.
Meanwhile, Sanjana who has been spending sleepless nights ever since her name was connected to Sreesanth, told a Kannada TV channel on Wednesday night that she did not have any close relations with Sreesanth. She also dismissed reports that she dated him. Lakshmi Rai also earlier denied having relations with the cricketer.