Nitu Ambani and Bollywood actress Juhi Chawla has called on Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu on Saturday in Hyderabad. Chandrababu who returned to city after his Singapore trip met the happening ladies.
The purpose of meeting is that Ms Ambani, Juhi Chawla, Hyderabad’s own socialte Pinky Reddy and others have donated Rs 11 Crore 11 Lakh 11 thousand and One hundred and elevel rupees to AP CM Relief Fund towards the victims of severe cyclonic storm Hudhud and rebuilding of port city Visakhapatnam. Ms Ambani, Juhi and Pinky Reddy reportedly enquired Naidu over the relief and helping measures. The ladies have donated the amount through a cheque in favour of AP CM Relief Fund.