Actor Ram Charan will be seen as Ekalavya. No, Charan is not donning the historic Ekalavya role but his next film has been christened as Ekalavya. Buzz is that Ram Charan-Krishna Vamsi’s Govindudu Andarivadele which received mixed response in Telugu is being dubbed into Malayalam with Ekalavya as the title.
Considering that the film has Ram Charan and Prakash Raj doing stick-fighting and Charan’s commitment to change the heart of Prakash Raj said to have made makers to opt for this title. Malayalam is growing market for Telugu heroes. Already stars like Allu Arjun, Charan have good fan base and their films are faring well. This prompted producer Bandla Ganesh to dub the film in Malayalam. We hear that the movie is likely to be released soon. Let’s see how Ekalavya (Govindudu) does in Mallu land.