In a major jolt, beleaguered ex-Tamil Nadu chief minister and AIADMK chief Jayalalithaa has been “banned” from contesting elections for 10-long-years following her conviction in disproportionate assets case where she was sentenced for four years prison. Tamil Nadu Government shocked all by disqualifying her from contesting elections for ten years by issuing a Gazette Notification. In the notification issued by Speaker, it announced that Srirangam Assembly constituency represented by Jayalalitha became vacant from Sep 27,2014, the day she was convicted.
Many political analysts are seeing this as a major setback and perhaps, the end of Jaya’s political career who is 66-year-old. The former actress, however, is presently out on bail after the Supreme Court suspended her sentence last month and gave her time till 18 December to file her appeal for the suspension. According to the existing Section 8 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, Jaya’s MLA seat is disqualified from the date of her conviction of Sep 27 upto her period of sentence of four years and she is said to be further banned for another six years from contesting elections.
Going by this end of Jaya’s political career seems to be imminent as 10-long-years is big period in politics as everything would change. At the moment, only miracles could save her. If anything magic occurs and Supreme Court suspends her sentence based on her appeal by Dec 18, only then she could be back to politics. This is indeed one of the worst phase of Amma’s political career.