Telangana CM K Chandra Sekhara Rao doesn’t seem to be media-friendly. In the state assembly, he usually sits with senior Congress leader Jeevan Reddy on one side and BJP’s Kishan Reddy on another. But he has passed a ruling saying that no media should be present in front of his chambers. In the past, no Chief Minister was seen sitting on opposition benches alongside senior leaders.
Similarly, he also spent a lot of time talking to BJP leader Kishan Reddy who has been vehemently criticizing KCR of late. While this has surprised many, in a latest move, KCR has ordered that no media people must be seen outside his chambers in the Assembly. For the past few decades, it has been a norm for MLAs, ministers and media representatives to talk to each other in front of CM’s chamber. Usually, the past CMs would walk past media reporters and take a couple of minutes to answer their queries.
Apparently, KCR is getting miffed with the questions being posed by media, so he decided to stop them from being seen near his chambers. Well, there was a time not so long ago, when KCR would spend hours talking to media reporters and looks like he is now averse to them. It’s all about power after all!