Sukumar’s former associate Vema Reddy has now turned director and is debuting with ‘Chakkiligintha’. This film features producer MS Raju’s son Sumanth Ashwin and newcomer Rehana are playing the leads. Provided with Vema Reddy’s association with our creative director as his writer and assistant director one would surely expect something stunning, intelligent and romantic. And here it is.
Teaser of ‘Chakkiligintha’ reminds us of those Arya days again, while the dialogue mouthed by hero Sumantha Ashwin is quite typical in a love story like this. “Avoid girls.. Ammayilaku I Love You cheppadam maneyandi”, he says. Also the visual feel connects to ‘Arya’ immediately as we can see a hero, heroine and kids around them. However, the treatment looks fresh as cinematographer Sai Sriram did a vibrant job while background music scored by Mickey J Meyer is enthralling.