According to the latest buzz in Film Nagar, Ravi Teja and Sampanth Nandi’s upcoming film has been christened as “Bengal Tiger”. After thinking a lot, both Ravi Teja and director Sampath seems to have opted for this title. The word “Bengal Tiger” became popular to Telugu audiences with Pawan Kalyan’s trademark dialogue in his classic Kushi where Pawan mouthed, “Siddhu Siddartha Roy…the Royal Bengal Tiger”.
Although Sampath Nandi was supposed to direct Pawan Kalyan in his most-anticipated sequel Gabbar Singh 2, the film didn’t materialize compelling Sampath Nandi to walk out of the project and he teamed up with Ravi Teja. As reported by us earlier, Milky babe Tamanna will be romancing Ravi Teja in the film. For the first time, both Ravi and Tammu are going to pair up with one another. This is certainly an interesting combo and the title has yet again raised the bars and expectations are bound to be high.