Shooting part of Gunasekhar’s ambitious project ‘Rudramadevi’ has been completed some time back. Currently, the team is busy with the VFX and other patch works. Producer and director Gunasekhar has officially said that he is planning to release the film for Sankaranti. However, distributors are in second thoughts to buy this film if it is going to be released in January 2015.
Young Tiger NTR’s upcoming film and Venkatesh, Pawan Kalyan starrer ‘Gopala Gopala’ have already confirmed their arrival for Sankranti. Most of the distributors are suggesting Gunasekhar to move away from January as it would be better for the film not to compete with stars like NTR and Pawan Kalyan.
Moreover, there is lot of VFX work left to be done in Rudramadevi and Gunasekhar along with his team are working day and night to meet the deadline. As of now, distribution rights for most of the areas are yet to be closed and Gunasekhar is trying every possible thing to sell his film to the distributors.