Pretty starlet Rakul Preet Singh is on a high with hits coming to her like a rising sun every day. Already she scored full marks in glamour department and what it takes to become the next big league actress are a couple of big hits and improvised performance.
What could be such a big ticket entertainer for Rakul other than Ravi Teja’s upcoming flick ‘Kick 2′, which is being carved by creative filmmaker Surender Reddy? However, rumours are doing rounds from a couple of days that this hot Delhi siren is kicked out from Kick 2. What’s the reason? ’24 year old Rakul Preet is not suiting 50+ Raviteja’, stated rumour mills.
But both Rakul and director Surender Reddy refuted these rumors, adding that Tollywood employee’s strike made Rakul take leave from Kick 2 shoot and attend her Bollywood commitments. Already she has wrapped up a schedule of shoot for the flick and will be joining the crew again.