Well, the show in Zee Telugu, Koncham Touch lo Unte Cheptha hosted by anchor Pradeep has been successful in bringing in celebs on floor sharing their personal thoughts. Now, its time for Milky beauty to tag each hero with an expression given. She feels that the most eligible bachelor is Prabhas, the most controversial is Rana Daggubati, Husband Material is Mahesh, Brother is Pradeep (Kidding) and Ex-Boy friend is apt to Naga Chaitanya quotes the Milky sensation.
She has been so traditional in her look these days. She also told that its better to maintain a secret relation than to make it public so as to cut down any kind of rumors moving all about. So, is she giving a clue in a secret relation? Well, the actress expressed her interest designing gold ornaments. She also commented on certain heroines that Shruthi Hassan can be called a Glamour doll, Kajal a good dancer and so on. Surely ,this show is ruling the TRP rating because the stars are being themselves. Tammanah also danced for Mukkala song expressing her love for the song. Did you think she poured her heart out?