T-TDP’s fire brand leader Revanth Reddy lashed out at Agriculture Minister Pocharam Srinivas Reddy. Speaking to scribes at media point after the Government suspended 10 TDP MLAs for raising the farmers suicide issue in the assembly, he said Pocharam Srinivas Reddy should apologies to the people of Telangana and farmers.
He demanded Telangana Govt is ignoring the woes of the farmers. He blasted KCR saying CM is not concerned with the farmers committing suicides. He said even after 360 farmers committed suicides, Telanagna CM is shamelessly claiming that he doesn’t have any statistics. He said it is agony of farmers that Pocharam Srinivas Reddy became agriculture minister.
He said if T Govt makes Pocharam Srinivas Reddy to apologize to them they are ready for any discussion. He said TRS has no respect to the speaker and MLAs. He said the ruling party insulted them by suspending on the first day of the assembly.