According to highly-placed sources, milky beauty Tamanna was considered for Gunasekhar’s upcoming magnum opus Rudhramadevi as actress Anushka Shetty took a while to commit for the role. Sources spilled the beans that Gunasekhar approached Tammanna as Anushka was caught in two minds in signing for the role of Rudhramadevi as she was also approached for Baahubali at more or less same time.
With this, Guna apparently asked Tamanna to do the role of warrior princess, overlooking her glamorous image.”It would have been the biggest and risky gamble for producer-director Guna. No doubt, Tammanah is craziest star at the moment but casting her in an author-backed role, is bit hard to digest,” adds the source.
In between, talented actress Anushka approved the script and project went on sets, in just few weeks thereafter. After impressive first look with Anuskha as sowrd-wielding princess scoring big marks, it seems that Tammanah would have been a misfit and almost saved the career of Gunasekar, who is already reeling under flops. Certain roles seems to be tailor-made for certain people and after “Arundathi”, its Rudrama Devi for Anushka.