Lenovo, Chinese electronics giant showered love on newly formed states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in India. Targeting tech savvy youth of both the states, its Indian arm Lenovo India announced that its high performance laptops will be available for zero interest and zero down payment with 100% financing.
Bhaskar Chowdhary, Marketing Director of Lenovo India said the company selected Andha Pradesh and Telangana as they offer tremendous IT talent. He said Lenovo plans to roll out this initiative across the country next year. According to the plan high-performance Lenovo laptops and AIOs (all-in-one) desktop computers starting from Rs 22,390 will be available on 100% financing with zero interest and zero down payment and can be broken up into multiple EMIs.
At present computer penetration in India is just 10% at its lowest compared to developing countries like Malaysia (64%),Turkey (49%), South Africa (18%) and Vietnam (16%). Lenovo has tieups with consortium of 11 banks and is looking forward to enter into tieups with telcom majors to provide free internet dongles with each purchase.