Mega Power Star Ram Charan played a Police officer role for the first time in his Bollywood Venture, Zanjeer. While the Khakhi dressed proved to be lucky for several Tollywood stars, the film had several bitter experiences for the actor including a disastrous commercial failure. But the actor is all set to don the Khaki once again now. It is learnt that the actor will be acting in a film directed by Gautam Menon in his next.
Gautam Menon is currently directing a film ‘Yennai Arindhaal’ with Tamil Superstar Ajith and will start looking in to this project once Yennai Arindhaal. Sources in Chennai say that Charan will be seen as a Police officer in the film and Gautam Menon had already prescribed a hairstyle for Charan to groom before the movie starts. Gautam Menon is a master is dealing with Cops characterization.
He earlier attempted it in Venkatesh’s Gharshana and Kamal Hassan’s Raghavan (Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu). It may be reminded to our readers that Ram Charan did not sign any film after his recent release, Govindhudu Andari Vaadele. He recently announced that he will not be starting his next until January 2015.