Director Farah Khan and actress Deepika Padukone, who are basking in the success of their latest release ‘Happy New Year’ were on a kissing spree at the launch of the video of the song ‘Sharabi’ from the film. The two showed their affectionate side and gave pegs on Shah Rukh Khan’s cheeks. The journey of “Happy New Year” has continued to be quite happy during its second week too.
So far, the entertainer has netted almost Rs.180 crore at the Indian box office. While Shah Rukh Khan factor is the major reason for the grand success, huge promotions helped the movie to perform great at box office.Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Abhishek Bachchan, director Farah Khan and other crew are promoting the film by visiting several places.The musical heist drama directed by Farah Khan, “Happy New Year” is a second combo of Deepiak and sharukh after Om shanthi Om.