Poonam Kaur after making her debut with Maayajaalam went on to star in Gopichand’s Souryam and even got nominated for best supporting actress at Filmfare. Many expected her to make waves in Tollywood sizzling red hot on silver screen. Though she starred in Vinayakudu, Venkatesh’s Nagavalli and Nagarjuna’s Gaganam but later faded into oblivion.
However even now many love her pretty looks and feel that she has got all that requires to be the top heroine but only luck deserted her. This seems true as Pretty Poonam floored all with her stunning Princess looks wowing every one in while saree.
Many wonder when she is at her voluptuous best in white saree itself with minimum makeup, what will be the effect when she turns redhot shedding all her inhibitions. Her killer smile,thin but tempting waist and electrifying eyes says it all. Hope filmmakers are noticing them.