Former Minister Konathala Ramakrishna made surprising statements on YSRCP Chief YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. Ramakrishna has recently resigned from YSRCP and he said that Jagan is a Human Robot. Konathala said, “Jagan doesn’t listen to any leader and he will do whatever he wants to do. I came to know about Jagan’s attitude after his release from jail.
It took some time for me to know the truth about Jagan and i’m not angry at him, in fact im feeling sad and pitying him.” He further said, “Late YS Rajasekhar Reddy used to give lot of importance to every one of us and he always took our suggestions into consideration. I have clearly informed Jagan about Modi’s wave in 2014 general elections but he turned deaf ear.
Even after losing in the elections, Jagan didn’t change and that is the reason why i quit YSRCP. I don’t have any regrets after quitting the party but feeling sad that my relation with Late YSR’s family has ended”.