The festive season brings good news to the family of superstar Salman Khan as his doting sister Arpita Khan has decided to wed very soon with her dating partner Aayush Sharma. The wedding of Salman Khan’s sister Arpita Khan will be held grandly at Falaknuma Palace in Hyderabad on 18th of this month. Insiders say Salim Khan,Salman Khan and other family members along with bride Arpita visited Falaknuma Palace and spoke with the authorities.
They even revealed their plans about wedding with the authorities and booked the palace. The Khans and their guests will arrive on November 18 and will check out on Novemeber 20. Sources close to the bride say around 250 people have been invited. Salman Khan reportedly paid 2 crores towards the rent for the palace.
Salman Khan’s family friends Venkatesh and Suresh Babu have received the invitation.Venkatesh will attend the ceremony while Suresh Babu may not attend as he is presently wearing Ayyappa Mala.Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and some other big celebrities will also be invited by Salman’s family members.As per reports Namo is keen on attending the royal wedding event.