Not many know that veteran director K Raghavendra Rao has directed timeless beauty Sridevi in 24 films till date including her debut Telugu film as a heroine ‘Padaharella Vayasau’ and career changing Hindi flick ‘Himmatwala’. Casted her as a lead lady opposite NTR, ANR, Krishna, Sobhan Babu and Chiranjeevi in films like Vetagadu, Mosagadu, Devatha and Jagadeka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari, our veteran director presented both glamorous and acting side of her.
And here comes the big news. Apparently KRR has questioned today if at all he gets ready to make his 25th film with Sridevi, what will be the kind of genre and subject people would like to see him directing.
This is now fueling speculations if Darsakendrudu is really getting ready to direct Sridevi in any Hindi/Telugu bilingual kind of film. Many writers have convinced this senior actress with their stories post ‘English Vinglish’, but she revealed that a right director is needed for her. Who could be the best one other than Raghavendra Rao? Let’s see!