Young Telugu lyric writer Rakendra Mouli, who happens to be brother of writer Sashank Vennelakanti, is all set for his acting debut. Rakendra is debuting with upcoming Telugu film which has ‘ideal pair’ SP Balasubramanyam and Lakshmi in pivotal roles. Aditi Chengappa who will be seen as Anushka’s sister in Rudhramadevi is pairing up with Rakendra as his love-interest in the film. Titled as Moodu Mukkallo Cheppalante, SP Balasubramanyam’s son and singer SP Charan is producing the film. Meanwhile, the film marks the debut of SP Charan in Telugu.
Charan, who has produced 8 Tamil films so far, is making his debut into Telugu with this flick. Already the shooting of the film has been mostly wrapped up. Except songs, talkie part has been completed. Considering that SP Balu and Lakshmi did wonder with Midhunam, the pair is expected to recreate magic with this film as well.
Expectations are bound to be high and young music director Karthikeya Murthy rendered tunes. Karthikeya Murthy says that he was fortunate to score music for SP Balu’s film at the same time he admitted he was under immense pressure as he was a veteran.Both Rakendra Mouli and SP Charan are testing their waters in Telugu. Let’s hope that it will be a splashy debut for both.