After introducing stylish and energetic game-shows like Yahoo, Star Wars and Smile Raja Smile on ETV, actor Prabhakhar shot to fame on small screen circuits. However, some tiff with Ramoji Rao due to his proximity with the media baron’s son Suman led to altercation and Prabhakhar walked out, the then rumours said.
Later he got busy as an actor with various serials where he played the main lead. Sometime back Prabhakar tried his hand at acting on silver screen but somehow he failed miserably. Reports have that Prabhakar now wants to direct a movie and he has already impressed Allu Arvind with his script.
Already story discussions are going on at Geetha Arts office and our tele-actor will lock the script in a while. Impressed by Prabhakar’s dedication, they say that Arvind has also paid him huge advance. Whether this talented actor will direct any mega-hero or newcomers is yet to be known.
Prabhakhar happens to be a gold medalist in theatre arts from Nijam College way back in 1998 and worked as dubbing artist where he lent voices for Abbas, Aryna Rajesh and Uday Kiran initially. As Prabhakar has come long way erasing off his ETV brand, we have to see how his Tollywood stint is going to be.