Acclaimed Director Sukumar has not yet decided on his next directorial venture. Meanwhile he got busy as a producer. He is all set to launch his second venture as producer very soon. His first film as producer, Chakkiligintha is currently under production. Vema Reddy is making debut as director with this film that has Sumanth Ashwin in the lead.
Sukumar’s second film as producer will have Raj Tarun of Uyyala Jampala fame in the lead role. Surya Pratap who earlier directed Current with Sushanth will direct it. Sukumar is roping in top technicians for this film. Devi Sri Prasad will score the music and Ratnavelu will handle the camera.
Looks like Sukumar is serious about production and giving break to his friends and associates through his production house. Sukumar’s next film as director is not yet finalized as all the heroes are busy with other projects.