Senior Director Dasari Narayana Rao has directed his 150th film – Parama Veera Chakra with Nandamuri Balakrishna and the film went on to become a biggest disaster in the actor’s career. The failure almost sealed Dasari’s career. He attempted to start couple of films after Parama Veera Chakra but none of them actually materialized. Somehow he was able to convince Manchu Vishnu for a film titled ‘Erra Bus’.
Dasari also played an important role in the film and Manchu Vishnu will be seen as the actor’s grandson in the movie. But we do not know what happened but Manchu Vishnu will be having limited screen presence for just 20-30 minutes. While in the original version, Manchu Vishnu’s role will be a full length character, Dasari reduced his role for just 20-30 minutes.
However some ridicule that it will be a blessing in disguise for Manchu Vishnu since he will get lesser blamer for the movie failure which is bound to happen going by the feelers of the posters released so far. Erra Bus is remake of Tamil superhit ‘Manjapai’. Dasari had made enough changes to the script with out actually mimicking scene to scene.
Catherine plays the female lead opposite Manchu Vishnu. Chakri has composed the music for the film. The makers are planning to release the film on November 14 and the audio release is planned for October 31.