Is ace producer Bandla Ganesh a shrewd Box Office tactician. Much to the shock of all Bandla Ganesh not keen on shelling out huge bucks to Young Tiger NTR and top director Puri Jagannath along with bearing heavy production costs, stoped picking phone calls for many weeks.
Only after NTR and Puri Jagannath met him and assured that the film’s budget will not rise drastically and even prepared a road map, Bandla Ganesh opened funds tap. A source says “Project got delayed not because of some set or anything, rather Ganesh was keeping them at bay and doesn’t overspend again and get into financial mess”.
The source appreciates Gabbar Singh producer’s tactical gambit which played off following huge losses with Badshah and Iddarammayilatho. The source adds “Instead of desperately running behind the star and director to start the film, he preferred to go slow and tactic paid off”. Will other producers take cue from Bandla Ganesh?