Amala Paul, who tied the knot with director AL Vijay early this year, rubbished the rumours of her pregnancy. Quashing them as mere rumours, Amala said that Vijay and she have no plans to have kids “any time soon”. Amala is presently in Macau and even celebrated her birthday on Sunday. But in fact it’s her series of tweets that triggered “pregnancy” rumours.
“Time flies n we get older every year…N me too, one more year today… my Vijay gave me the best gift a woman could ever wish for… Not only the surprise he gave me now at Macau but the deepest of love and affection he gives me every day… I don’t know what to say but one thing for sure, am a blessed child!! Thanku lord… (sic), ” posted Amala on her Twitter page on Sunday.
While Amala was terming her husband’s holiday trip as “best gift a woman could ever wish for”, few of her fans and scribes took it completely other way around sparking the rumours. With none other than Amala clarified, it turned out to be disappointment for few of her fans. However, the grapevine is that Amala is keen to continue her “acting” career that’s why she’s put plans of having kids on hold.